15 zentrale Rollen des Community Managers

Frisch aus dem Urlaub zurück, bin ich heute via Twitter auf eine Matrix gestossen, die 15 zentrale Rollen eines Community Managers abbildet. Interessant ist in meinen Augen vor allem die Aufteilung nach dem jeweiligen Erfahrungslevel und die Unterscheidung, ob sich die Rolle auf interne Tätigkeiten bezieht, eine Brückenfunktion (zwischen Community und Unternehmen) betrifft oder ob es sich dabei um eine externe Community-bezogene Rolle handelt. Die relevanten Infos zur Erläuterung der jeweiligen Rollen aus dem Original-Posting habe ich zur besseren Übersichtlichkeit unterhalb der Grafik zitiert.

Die 15 Rollen des Community Managers. Quelle: http://buzzcanuck.typepad.com/agentwildfire/2009/05/the-community-manager-role-unplugged-15-essential-roles.html
Die 15 Rollen des Community Managers. Quelle: http://buzzcanuck.typepad.com/agentwildfire/2009/05/the-community-manager-role-unplugged-15-essential-roles.html

Interne Rollen (Internal roles)

Product Educator – being the guru, expert, historian and „details“ person on the portfolio of brands/products the community supports

Brand Evangelist – exuding passion for the brand and being a walking role model for the type of people that company wants to attract, likely an active participant in the community of interest

Research Filter – being able to synthesize community feedback information and analytics and make actionable insight that company executive can react to

Internal Trainer – becoming the missionary inside a company and prevoking employee involvement, demonstrating success, communicating value and demystifying the world of tech and social media that supports the community

Client Stir Stick – becoming the internal rally cry and the conscience of the community/customer  inside the company, frequently at executive levels – practising change management and changing processes that hinder community success

Vermittelnde Rollen / Brückenfunktionen (Bridge Roles between company and community)

Program Manager/Administrator – managing the day to day details or running the community – staff, investment, activity tracking, communication, providing feedback…etc.

Content Developer
– whether it be video, pitcures, forums, updates or blogging – creating a fresh supply of interesting news from the company and about the community

On the Ground Responder/Liaison – playing the intermediary role between company and community, whether it be planned or crisis communication and highlighting emerging issues

Events Host
– existing as the face of both online and offline events, creating a sense of presence and leadership at all communal occasions

The Strategist
– developing new applications, platforms and course corrections for community engagement that also benefit the sponsoring company

Externe Community-bezogene Rollen (External, Community-Minded Role)

Problem Solver
– answering directly or providing a forum and process to solve member/customer break-fix problems or more ingrained issues with company, product or community

Moderation – playing the role of ombudsman, rulemaker, conversation starter and referee in user generated forums and community debate inside and outside the community

Social Networkers
– recruiting new members into the community wherever they exist

Expert Listener – tracking to what’s being said and where about the company inside the community and in the external world and reacting to it

Personal Concierge – incubating top performing community members, highlighting key member contributions and giving the kid gloves/VIP treatment to key industry and community stakeholders

P.S. Ja, die Grafik ist schon 10 Monate alt und ja, die Grafik bezieht die aktuellen Überlegungen zu der Unterscheidung zwischen strategischen und operativen Aufgaben eines Community Managers nur bedingt ein. Dies zur Info, falls diesbezüglich Fragen aufkommen sollten… 😉

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